The Work

Dr. Ida P. Rolf (1896 to 1979) developed Structural Integration in the 1940's which later became known as Rolfing. Her initial motivation was to relieve pain and restore optimal physical functioning. After years of exploration and sharp insight, Dr. Rolf created a systematic process of work to re-align the body within the gravitational field. This work opens up a world of change and possibilities in the whole person, including both physical and perceptual changes.

Dr. Rolf completed a PhD in biochemistry. She understood that structure determines function, and added the factor of gravity to the equation. Each and every moment we experience gravity's energy, and will feel either supported or dragged down by it depending on our physical relationship to the ground. Dr. Rolf believed that if the body could be aligned and integrated within the gravitational field, healing would occur, and create a greater potential for a more energized and alive being, with less injury, and correspondingly, less misery.

Structural Integration involves a series of sessions in which the therapist uses their hands to manipulate the soft connective tissues called fascia. Fascia surrounds and envelops muscles and muscle fibres, and comprises ligaments, and tendons which attach to bones. Fascia is a fibrous membrane forming a network throughout the entire body connecting everything together. It is a living matrix. Lengthening and expanding fascia gives room for the bones to move into a better position allowing for greater balance and space around the body’s centre of gravity. It also creates more space for the organs, blood vessels and nerves thus improving overall physiological functioning.

Fascia can change shape by the nature of its chemical component- collagen. Applied energy transforms collagen from a solidified state to a more gelatinous state, making it malleable, much like clay. The body is a plastic medium, as Dr. Rolf would say.

"Fascia is the organ of posture. Nobody ever says this; all the talk is about muscles. Yet this is a very important concept, and because this is so important, we as Rolfers must understand both the anatomy and physiology, but especially the anatomy of fascia. The body is a web of fascia. A spiderweb is in a plane, this web is in a sphere. We can trace the lines of that web to get an understanding of how what we see in a body works." -Ida Rolf, Rolfing and Physical Reality.


The changes are profound, including a heightened awareness that makes it easier to let go of habitual tension. One experiences a profound sense of lightness, and movement is easier and more fluid. Dr. Rolf saw that changes in the physical body also lead to improvements in mental and emotional states. She was interested in the evolution of human beings, and the possibilities for greater physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.

"Rolfers make a life study of relating bodies and their fields to the earth and its gravity field, and we so organize the body that the gravity field can reinforce the body's energy field. This is our primary concept." -Ida Rolf, Rolfing and Physical Reality.

Shawn Aarons